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The foundation behind the "Pleasurize Music" according listed on his website is:
The Board of Directors is a body of appointed persons who jointly oversee the activities of the Pleasurize Music Foundation.
The development and organization of a number of workgroups is also an important responsibility of the Board of Directors to control and increase the activity of the PMF:
These are a view of the workgroups:
- Web communications (English)
- PR workgroup: Newsletter & PR releases, coordination of international PR
- Coordination of translations
- Solution development for loudness balanced pre listening in commercial online shops
- Solution development for establishment of Dolby Volume-like technologies
- Solution development for loudness control in Broadcast
- Workgroup “Sound Sculpture” (listening education at the POS)
- Cooperation workgroup for the establishment of a practical Blu-Ray Audio format
- Development of a Surround quality seal
- Research group for the future use of meta data for equal listening volume
- Establishment and operation of the Board of Research
- Development of multilingual educational material for schools to teach kids "listening"
- Membership development (to be split into different member and territorial categories)
- TT DR Meter optimization and development
- Meter implementation (in other DAWs and metering solutions)
- Internal communication
- Merchandise
- Establishment of DR releases platform
- Research center planning
- Board and staff development
- Annual bylaw development
- Fundraising activities
The development and organization of a number of workgroups is also an important responsibility of the Board of Directors to control and increase the activity of the PMF:
These are a view of the workgroups:
- Web communications (English)
- PR workgroup: Newsletter & PR releases, coordination of international PR
- Coordination of translations
- Solution development for loudness balanced pre listening in commercial online shops
- Solution development for establishment of Dolby Volume-like technologies
- Solution development for loudness control in Broadcast
- Workgroup “Sound Sculpture” (listening education at the POS)
- Cooperation workgroup for the establishment of a practical Blu-Ray Audio format
- Development of a Surround quality seal
- Research group for the future use of meta data for equal listening volume
- Establishment and operation of the Board of Research
- Development of multilingual educational material for schools to teach kids "listening"
- Membership development (to be split into different member and territorial categories)
- TT DR Meter optimization and development
- Meter implementation (in other DAWs and metering solutions)
- Internal communication
- Merchandise
- Establishment of DR releases platform
- Research center planning
- Board and staff development
- Annual bylaw development
- Fundraising activities
And influential people behind the organization Pleasurize Music Foundation are as follows:
- Friedemann Tischmeyer (Engineer/Author) - Germany / USA
- Ronald Prent (Engineer/Producer) - The Netherlands / Benlux
- Prof. Karlheinz Brandenburg (Science & Research) - Germany
- Oliver Masciarotte (Audio Industry & Audio Engineer) - USA
- Prof. Lucio Cadeddu - Italy
- Hagü Schmitz - Germany
- Zhang Jian Wen - China
- Dipl.-Ing. Ralph Kessler - Germany
- Dr. Rob Toulson - UK
Currently "Pleasurize Music Foundation" has support from among others: Music Listener, Musician, Music producer, mixing engineer, mastering engineer, record company, CE & HiFi industry, MI & ProAudio
industry, Broad-caster, Retail stores. You can see the following table:
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If you're one of them (in tables), please visit their website and began to fight "The Loudness War". And you can help out by actively supporting the work of the Pleasurize Music Foundation and making the DR logo of a Desired sign on every CD or DVD. Pleasurize YOUR Music!